Q: Why did the tortilla chip start dancing?
A: Because they dipped into a little salsa.
Q. Why are pianos so hard to open?
A: Because the keys are on the inside.
Music Jokes
Q: Why are snakes so good at music?
A: Scales come so naturally to them.
Q: What do you say to the musician playing the triangle in the orchestra?
A: Thank you for every ting.
Q: What’s big and grey with horns?
A: An elephant marching band.
Q: Why did the music teacher go up the ladder during music class?
A: To reach the high notes.
Q: Why did the pianist keep banging his head against the keys?
A: He was playing by ear.
Q: Who are the laziest people in an orchestra?
A: Violinists. They just fiddle around.
Q: Why did the grandma sit in the rocking chair with her rollerblades on?
A: Because she wanted to rock and roll.
Q: How do you make a bandstand?
A: Take away their chairs.
Q: Why do chickens play the drums?
A: Because they come with drumsticks.
Q: What kind of music do bunny rabbits like?
A: Hip Hop.
Middle C, E flat, and G walk into a bar.
“Sorry,” the bartender says. “We don’t serve minors.”
Q: What do you call a cow that can play a musical instrument?
A: A moo-sician.
Q: What type of music are balloons afraid of?
A: Pop music.
Q: What’s a golfer’s favorite type of music?
A: Swing!
Q: What do you get when you squish an army?
A: A flat major.
Q: What do you get when you drop a piano into a mine shaft?
A: A Flat Miner
Q: Why was there music coming from the printer?
A: The paper was jamming.
Q: Why does Mozart hate chickens?
A: All they say is: “Bach, Bach, Bach!”
Q: What is the difference between a fish and a piano?
A: You can’t tuna fish.
Q: What types of songs do planets sing?
A: Nep-tunes.
Q: Want to hear the joke about a staccato?
A: Never mind — it’s too short.
Q: Why was the musician arrested?
A: She got in treble.
Q: What makes pirates such good singers?
A: They can hit the high Cs.
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
Wow! I didn’t know you could yodel!
Very good: A joke a day keeps the smile on the face.