A rich man in retirement goes to his weekly round of golf with his friends. But this time, he brings along his gorgeous new fiancée to show her off.
“Guys, meet my new fiancée,” he says, full of pride..
As the men go around the links, they can’t take their eyes off this lady.
“How on earth could he end up with this beautiful lady?” they were thinking.
After the round of golf, the rich man goes up to the bar to buy drinks for the group.
One of his friends finally caves and decides he has to ask.
So he follows the rich man up to the bar and asks:
“How on earth did you manage to convince such a beautiful young lady to marry you? You’re 70. She must be at least 40 years younger than you!”
The old rich guy gives a sly smile and says,
“Well, I lied about my age, of course.”
His friend says:
“Wow! So, How old did you say you were? Sixty? Fifty??”
The rich friend shakes his head.
“No, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong. I told her I was 90.”