
12 Classic Q&A Jokes

Sailor Joke

Q: Why couldn’t the sailor learn the alphabet?

A: Because he got stuck at sea!

Q: What do you call a funny mountain?

A: Hill-arious.

Q: What did one wall say to the other?

A: I’ll meet you at the corner.

Q: What has four wheels and flies?

A: A garbage truck.

Snowman Joke

Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

A: Frostbite.

Q: Why are elevator jokes so classic and good?

A: They work on many levels.

Q: What did the grape say when it got stepped on?

A: Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

Q: How do you throw a space party?

A: You planet!

Hat Joke

Q: What did one hat say to the other?

A: You wait here. I’ll go on a head.

Q: Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

A: Because they make up everything!

Q: What’s orange and sounds like a carrot?

A parrot.

Q: Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?

A: Because the “P” is silent.

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